Category: Uncategorized

Saturday Training for Refreshers

We have added more Saturday training dates for our Refreshers!

If you would like to enquire and/or book into any of our upcoming Saturday Training courses, please click here for the Traffic Control Courses or here for the Traffic Management Implementation courses.

New TCASAP released in January 2017

PLEASE NOTE: This is an old post from 2017, it is suggested you visit our post HERE to find the most up to date documents, including the current TCASAP.

A new Traffic Controller Accreditation Scheme: Approved Procedures (TCASAP) has been released by Transport and Main Roads Queensland (TMR) in January of this year. If you would like to download a copy please find it here. Or alternatively you can find it here – by clicking the first link at the top.

Traffic Management Design Courses

AATC is now the sole provider for the QLD Traffic Management Design (TMD) course! Scheduled courses are run monthly at our Brendale Depot, with delivery elsewhere in QLD on demand. If you would like to enroll into a TMD course, or have an enquiry about group bookings, please contact us on 07 3881 3008 (select 2 for Training).

Saturday Training for Refresher Courses

We have recently brought in Saturday Training for our Traffic Control & Traffic Management Implementation Refresher Courses.

If you would like to book, or look into Saturday Training, please click here or contact us on 07 3881 3008 (select 2 for Training).