
Traffic Management Design


Please note: AATC’s planned October TMD course has now been fully booked. If you are on our waitlist you will receive all emails about any future course dates we may be running, once course dates are confirmed. 

This QLD Dept. TMR non-accredited course was released in May 2015 and covers the development of TMPs and associated TGS.  It replaces the old QLD Traffic Management Level 3 course.  After the 30th June 2016 only those who have successfully completed the new Traffic Management Design course will be permitted to Design and modify TMPs and TGs in QLD.


Please read the information below regarding the Traffic Management Design (TMD) before you enrol.

Enrolment can be completed by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking the ‘Enrol’ button beside the course date which you would like to enrol into.

You can filter the available dates by location if you click on the AATC depot which you would like to train at. 

Select ‘All Locations’ to see all upcoming dates for the course. 

There is also an ‘Enquire’ button that can be clicked which will allow you to send a short message to AATC if you would like us to contact you with any further information.

Learning Methods

Learners who want to create TGS and TMP’s for use on Queensland roads. 

What do I need to know before I enrol?

Pre-requisites and Entry Pathway Requirements

  • Engineers – must provide a copy of their current RPEQ or CPEng Card (or other formal, signed and dated documents that verify the authenticity and currency of the participant’s qualification E.g. Bachelor of Engineering from a University recognised by an Australian Engineering fraternity)

  • All other candidates – must provide evidence demonstrating a minimum of two years Traffic Management Implementation (previously Level 2) experience. This may be achieved by providing a copy of a current QLD TMI qualification and CV or Employer Letter demonstrating a minimum of two years’ experience. The previous TMI card held by the learner should also be sent through where learners have a copy.

  • All learners must have a working knowledge of the AGTTM, QGTTM, AS1742.3, MUTCD Part 3, Guideline – Traffic Management at Works on Roads, QLD guide to traffic management, Traffic Management for Construction or Maintenance Work Code of Practice, MRTS02 (Technical Specifications and Annexure) & TMR Technical Notes

  • Learner should have a working knowledge of the risk assessment process and the role of the Nominated Traffic Officer (NTO)

  • It is also recommended that all learners possess some industry experience in the Traffic Management Design field. (i.e., Traffic Management Plan (TMP) and Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS) development)

  • All learners (both engineers and non-engineers) are required to successfully complete the pre-course gating questions, prior to course attendance

    • This must be achieved not less than ten (10) business days prior to the nominated course start date.

  • FAQ:  Answers to FAQ’s are available on the TMR website.

Further notes on the prerequisites / entry pathway requirements

Please be advised it is expected that a prospective learner has met the entry pathway requirements prior to sitting the theory component.

What are the benefits of completing this course?

Successful learners will be able to work as a Traffic Management Designer in QLD. This will involve designing TMP’s and TGS for use on QLD roads. 

How will the course be delivered?

Face-to-face delivery

The face-to-face theory is approximately sixteen (16) hours. This is split as approximately 8 hours each day, over two (2) consecutive days.

Post course assessment:
There are two pathways for learners to choose from when selecting their post course assessment.

‘Open’ – for roads with any traffic volume, or, ‘Restricted’ – for road with traffic volumes of less than 10,000 AADT’.

Note the chosen post course assessment must be completed to TMD course standards to be acceptable.

Learners should allow a minimum of 80 hours over the 8 weeks after their theory course for the post course assessment.
Note it may take learners longer than this timeframe to satisfactorily complete their chosen post-course assessment, depending on the learners familiarity with TMP’s, TGS and the design process.  
Further notes on the post course assessment

A substantial commitment of time is required by learners post theory course in order to complete the post course assessment to a satisfactory standard. Learners looking to book into a TMD course must take their prior commitments into consideration regarding the completion of the post course assessment. 

How long will this course take?
  • Sixteen (16) hours (approx.) theory, face–to–face – spread over two consecutive days

  • Learners should allow a minimum of 80 hours over the 8 weeks after their theory course for the post course assessment.

How much will it cost me?

Payment of a non-refundable Administration Fee ($200.00) is required prior to the release of Gating Questions (AATC will check each learners entry pathway documents meet course requirements prior to issuing out the gating questions).

Upon successful completion of the Gating Questions, payment of the invoice for Day 1 $1,300.00 (non-transferable) is required not less than five (5) business days prior to course attendance.

The remaining balance for Day 2 $1,150.00 is to be invoiced and paid, with a remittance required to be sent to AATC, by COB on Day 1 of the course.
*Please note: we are unable to accept payment for the remaining balance (Day 2) prior to Day 1 of the TMD course.

The total cost for the course will be $2,650.00, however learners will be invoiced, and AATC will receive funds, separately for each course part (Gating Questions, Day 1 & Day 2).

Are there any other costs?

There are no additional AATC costs associated with attending the TMD course. 

Refunds for the TMD

Learners should select their course dates with care, as no TMD Fees and Charges will be refunded within 7 days of course start date. Enrolments are also course date specific and not transferable.

AATC will consider exceptional circumstances on a case-by-case basis. AATC, at all times, reserves the right to ask for supporting evidence for your exceptional circumstances claim. This may include, but will not be limited to, doctors’ certificates, employer letters, funeral notices etc. Decisions regarding refunds are made at AATC’s sole discretion and no further discussion or negotiation will be entered into once a decision is taken.

When a course is cancelled, AATC will not be liable for learner costs (such as travel, accommodation, loss of income, food or other expenses), all costs will remain the sole responsibility of the learner. For further information contact AATC or refer to the ‘Fees, charges and refunds’ and ‘Course Cancellation & Learner Withdrawal Request’ section of the AATC Student Handbook.

What will I learn?
  • Traffic Management Design terminology

  • Legislative documentation & relationships between documents

  • Risk assessment

  • Input data from various stakeholders in a project

  • Around, Through & Past analysis for multiple types of road users

  • Review of client requirements

  • Staging of a project

  • Considered design options for a TGS including review of road features

  • Principles of a TGS

  • Reading and referencing documentation

  • Site specific, and generic site suitable TGS

  • Approval processes

  • How to design a TGS

  • The implementation and operation of a TGS on site 

  • Evaluation of a TGS

How will I be assessed?

Learners will be required to:

  1. Satisfy AATC’s TMD enrolment requirements, book into a course and pay the required fees and charges 

  2. Successfully complete the pre-course gating questions (this must be achieved not less than ten (10) business days prior to the nominated course start date):

    • A 100% pass mark is required

    • Two (2) attempts are permitted 

  3. Successfully complete the two-day face-to-face course:

    • Full attendance of both days (two full and consecutive days) is required

    • Complete in class traffic management plan (TMP), traffic guidance schemes (TGS), risk assessment and other exercises 

  4. Successfully complete the post course assessment: Two post course assessment choices are available upon successful completion of class work: ‘Open’ – for roads with any traffic volumes, ‘Restricted’ – for road with traffic volumes of less than 10,000 AADT’

    • Learners have two (2) months from initial course attendance date to complete the post course assessment

    • AATC will only accept electronic submissions of the post course assessment 

Assessment involves the development of a comprehensive Traffic Management Plan (including associated Risk Assessment and TGS) in accordance with the standards set out in the TMD course.

One re-submission of your post-course assessment is permitted, with a one month period allowed for the resubmission.

Any extensions to submission timeframes can be made upon learner request (max. 4 weeks), or due to extenuating circumstances (max. 4 weeks). These extensions will be granted or declined at AATC’s sole discretion. AATC reserves the right to require evidence of extenuating circumstance (This may include, but will not be limited to, doctors’ certificates, employer letters, funeral notices etc).

Learners should read the ‘TMD specific Appeals Process’ section if they have questions about the appeals process for their post-course assessment if it is deemed not satisfactory.

Learners will be notified (via the contact details provided) of post course assessment outcome within one month of AATC receiving post course Initial or Resit submissions. In the event a response timeframe increase to two months is required, AATC will contact the learner to advise.

Learners may choose to change from ‘Open’ to ‘Restricted’ or vice-versa between the 1st and 2nd assessment submissions, however the initial timeframes for the submission of the final assessment remain unchanged.

What if I fail to get a Satisfactory (S) mark in all areas and get deemed Not Yet Competent (NYC)?

Learners are given all reasonable trainer assistance to achieve a Competent (C) outcome on the theory days of the course, and during their post course assessment however:

  • If the learner fails to gain a Competent (C) outcome with reasonable trainer assistance then they will be deemed Not Yet Competent (NYC),

  • The learner will not be issued the certificate of completion & card, and will be required to re-enrol at their own expense and successfully complete all areas of the course again (including post course assessment) should they wish to receive the certificate of completion & card.

If a learner is unsuccessful on their second attempt at the Gating Questions, they may apply to re-enrol two weeks after notification of the same. #
If a learner does not meet the requirements of the face-to-face component of the course, or they fail the post course assessment, they may apply to re-enrol six months after notification of the same. #
# AATC may, at its sole discretion, accept or decline an enrolment or re-enrolment application. If an enrolment or re-enrolment is declined by AATC, no further discussion will be entered into. Payment of all course fees are required for each re-enrolment into the TMD course.

What will I get at the end when I’ve passed?

On successful completion of all course requirements, (including the gating questions, theory and in-class work, and post-course assessment), learners are issued with a Certificate of Completion for the QLD Traffic Management Design course, as well as a wallet sized QLD TMD card.

Note this course is a non-accredited QLD specific course.

An Acknowledgement of Attendance letter may be available upon request, subject to the conditions as set out below. Attendance only learners do not receive a TMD Certificate of Completion, TMD card or TMD card number and cannot sign off TMPs or TGS as a Traffic Management Designer.
From 1st September 2017 an “Acknowledgement of Attendance” letter is available to TMD course learners who wish to attend the course for general TMD knowledge only. To qualify for an “Acknowledgement of Attendance” letter course learners must have:

  • Met the TMD entry pathway requirements,

  • Passed the pre-course gating questions,

  • Paid all course fees and charges in full,

  • Attended all 16 hours over the two consecutive days of face-to-face training,

  • Participated in and passed all ‘in class work / exercises’ (to a level deemed by AATC, and at AATC’s sole discretion, to be satisfactory) and,

  • Have advised AATC that they wish to cease their enrolment.

Note: The QLD Dept. TMR reserves the right to review learner assessment materials and require learners (pre or post certificate of completion issue) to take part in mentoring/coaching programs in order to further demonstrate TMD competency. TMR may, at its sole discretion, withdraw TMD certification/cancel a learners TMD card at any time after they have been issued.

Further notes & additional information on Certificate of Completion

Holding the below Unit of Competency:

RIICWD503E – Prepare Traffic Management Plans and Traffic Guidance Schemes

Is NOT considered enough to design and approve traffic management plans (TMP) and traffic guidance schemes (TGS) in the State of Queensland.

As per the Department of Transport and Main Roads Queensland, learners MUST hold a current QLD Traffic Management Design (TMD) card (given to them after they’ve successfully completed the QLD TMD course), in order to design and approve TMP and TGS for use on QLD roads. 

Where is this valid for and how long is it valid?


It is a requirement of the Department of Transport and Main Roads QLD (TMR) that traffic management designers maintain the currency of their design certificate by completing Continual Professional Development (CPD). More information on this can be found under the ‘Maintaining Currency’ section. 

Learner’s rights including our complaints and appeals procedures can be found in AATC’s Student Handbook. The handbook can be found here.

TMD Specific Appeals Process and Timeframes

1. If a learner disagrees with the course competency decision, the learner may request that AATC Peer Review their post course assessment.

The learner must notify AATC of peer review request (in writing) within one (1) month of competency decision date.

The request is to be supported by an outline of how the submitted assessment(s) adequately addressed items identified in marker feedback.

Prior to commencing the peer review AATC requests learners provide a suitable outline of how and where (including page numbers or TMP clause references) the learners post course assessment adequately addressed the items identified by the marker. And if necessary, reasons for why you believe the marker’s comments are inappropriate, including how the learner believes they have met the requirements of the course using course principles throughout their submissions.
This information will be provided to the peer reviewer for their consideration.

If learners do not wish to provide this information, they must advise AATC in writing within 4 business days of receiving the request from AATC for the information. If AATC does not receive a response to the request by the end of the 4 business days, the peer review will be conducted based on assessment materials, brief comments received in the peer review request and trainer feedback to date only.

AATC will not accept any additional information after these 4 business days have finished, therefore learners MUST provide this information in a timely manner should they wish for it to be considered in the peer review process.

AATC will respond to the learner with their peer review within one (1) month of an acknowledgement of the peer review request being sent to the learner. AATC reserves the right at all times to go beyond this timeframe, with AATC notifying the learner of the same if this is to occur.

2. If the peer reviewer upholds the initial markers assessment decision and the learner disagrees with the Peer Review decision, the learner may request a TMR Final Decision. The learner must notify AATC of the TMR Final Decision request (in writing) within 7 calendar days of the Peer Review decision date. 

3. AATC will endeavour to advise learner of outcome within one (1) month of receiving each individual appeal request listed above (subject to third party response times). The outcome of the TMR decision is final, with no further appeal options available if TMR uphold the decision of the initial marker and peer reviewer.

4. If learners do not successfully pass the course and should learners wish to receive a certificate of completion and QLD TMD card, they will be required to re-enrol, successfully complete all aspects of the course again (including the gating questions, theory component and post-course assessment), and pay all necessary fees again in order to gain them.

Note: Learners cannot re-enrol into the QLD TMD course for a period of 6 months after they have been unsuccess in their initial enrolment (this 6 month period commences the day after the learner was notified that they were unsuccessful in their resubmission and the course as a whole).

Learners can contact TMR to request this timeframe is waived, however the decision for this lies solely with TMR and their decision is final. No further discussions will be entered into if TMR decides they will not reduce the 6 month waiting period.

AATC may, at its sole discretion, accept or decline an enrolment or re-enrolment application. If an enrolment or re-enrolment is declined by AATC, no further discussion will be entered into. Payment of all course fees are required for each re-enrolment into the TMD course.

Successful TMD learners are responsible for maintaining currency of their TMD skills, knowledge and competency. AATC recommends that each learner maintain a Continual Professional Development (CPD) Log sufficient to demonstration ongoing competency. Currently TMD learners MUST be able to show 30 hours of CPD over each 3 year period.

TMR have a fact sheet regarding CPD which can be downloaded from their website here

What is required to commence an enrolment?

A completed enrolment form.

A Unique Student Identifier (USI)

You can get a USI as part of your enrolment with AATC. Otherwise click here to visit the USI website.

For engineers: A copy of your Bachelor and RPEQ or CPEng membership card where applicable, 

All other candidates: A copy of a current QLD TMI card & evidence of two years’ experience in QLD Traffic Management Implementation or the interstate equivalent.

This may be demonstrated via a current Traffic Management Implementation card and, supporting documentation (i.e. Employer letter, CV) to show two years’ experience, as well as supply of a previous TMI card to the current one held.

Important note: The Traffic Management Design course is offered subject to minimum learner numbers.

AATC will endeavour to notify learners at least fourteen (14) days prior to course date should there be a delivery schedule change. However, AATC reserves the right to cancel a course up to one (1) day prior to delivery, due to insufficient course numbers, unforeseen circumstances or as AATC otherwise deems it necessary.

Attendance only enrolments are available, subject to the same enrolment process, costs, gating questions and course participation requirements. Attendance only learners are not required to compete the post course assessment. An Acknowledgement of Attendance will be issued to attendance only learners (who successfully complete all required course work) once their enrolment is drawn to a close.

How do I get started?

Click the ‘Enrol’ button beside your preferred course date and location to book in.

If you do not see any dates listed, we may not have any course dates publicly available. However, we would suggest refreshing this course page as a precaution, to ensure any dates just uploaded are visible to you.


Upcoming Workshops

Contact us now to enquire about any of our services or the courses we offer.

Brendale, Yatala & Bells Creek

(07) 3881 3008 | Monday to Friday, 7:30am – 5:00pm.

Contact us now to enquire about any of our services or the courses we offer.