Equipment Hire

Traffic Management Equipment

With depots at Brendale, Yatala and Bells Creek, AATM has the following extensive range of traffic management equipment available for local hire:

  • Truck Mounted Attenuators
  • Pod-Trucks
  • Cone-Trucks
  • Variable Message Sign (VMS) utilities
  • Variable Message Boards (trailer mounted)
  • Traffic Control Utilities
  • Portable Traffic Signals (tripod mounted)
  • Portable Traffic Signals (trailer mounted)

Do you need the best Traffic Management Equipment Hire ?

Look no further Acquired Awareness have all the tools to get the job done.

  • In excess of 10 Truck Mounted Attenuators
  • In excess of 18 Vehicle Mounted VMS Boards (Colour – including Amber)
  • In excess of 12 Amber VMS Boards
  • In excess of 2 Colour VMS Boards
  • In excess of 160 Traffic Management Utility Vehicles
  • In excess of 2 Three Tonne Trucks equipped with signage and arrowboards
  • In excess of 5 pairs of Type 1 Portable Traffic Signals
  • In excess of 2 traffic cone trucks

Traffic Controller Utilities hold multi message signs, frames and cones . These utes are primarily used for day-to-day works on most roads.

Vehicle Mounted VMS

Vehicle Mounted VMS boards are attached to a Traffic Controller Utility. Often used in mobile works convoys, displaying a digital sign (i.e. a speed, lane status etc)

Trailer Mounted VMS

Trailer Mounted VMS boards are towed out to site and placed in a prominently visible location to warn road users of works. For example, upgrades to a road between certain dates.

Cone Trucks

Cone Trucks are used in instances where a significant number of traffic cones are required to be set up for a site (i.e. sites that traverse a large distance). Cone Trucks also include a number of multi-message frames.

Pod Trucks

Pod Trucks are used in instances where a closer balance between multi message signs and cones are needed for a large site. Pod Trucks hold a larger number of both multi message signs and cones than a Traffic Controller Utility.

Truck Mounted Attenuators (TMA’s) are primarily used on high speed, high volume roads. There is a requirement for these TMA’s to be used on Category 3 roads.

The TMA deployment, helps ensure worker safety whilst the job site is active.

Type 1 – PTSS

Used in conjunction with a Traffic Controller, with the Traffic Controller operating the signals from a safe location nearby, for short-term use.

This type of PTSS are carried on a large number of AATM’s fleet of Traffic Controller Utilities.

Type 2 – PTSS

These signals are trailer mounted and used on long-term job sites. They can be set up to operate after hours, by themselves.

Traffic Controller Utilities hold multi message signs, frames and cones . These utes are primarily used for day-to-day works on most roads.

Vehicle Mounted VMS

Vehicle Mounted VMS boards are attached to a Traffic Controller Utility. Often used in mobile works convoys, displaying a digital sign (i.e. a speed, lane status etc)

Trailer Mounted VMS

Trailer Mounted VMS boards are towed out to site and placed in a prominently visible location to warn road users of works. For example, upgrades to a road between certain dates.

Cone Trucks

Cone Trucks are used in instances where a significant number of traffic cones are required to be set up for a site (i.e. sites that traverse a large distance). Cone Trucks also include a number of multi-message frames.

Pod Trucks

Pod Trucks are used in instances where a closer balance between multi message signs and cones are needed for a large site. Pod Trucks hold a larger number of both multi message signs and cones than a Traffic Controller Utility.

Truck Mounted Attenuators (TMA’s) are primarily used on high speed, high volume roads. There is a requirement for these TMA’s to be used on Category 3 roads.

The TMA deployment, helps ensure worker safety whilst the job site is active.

Type 1 – PTSS

Used in conjunction with a Traffic Controller, with the Traffic Controller operating the signals from a safe location nearby, for short-term use.

This type of PTSS are carried on a large number of AATM’s fleet of Traffic Controller Utilities.

Type 2 – PTSS

These signals are trailer mounted and used on long-term job sites. They can be set up to operate after hours, by themselves.

Do you need the best Traffic Management Equipment?

For enquiries regarding our Equipment Hire, please contact us on (07) 3881 3008, Monday to Friday, 7:30am – 5:00pm.

Contact us now to enquire about any of our services or the courses we offer.

Brendale, Yatala & Bells Creek

(07) 3881 3008 | Monday to Friday, 7:30am – 5:00pm.

Contact us now to enquire about any of our services or the courses we offer.