Category: Training

TMA, VMS & PTSS Courses Available 2020

Happy New Year made of sparkles firework at night background

AATM & AATC hope that you all had a great Christmas/New Years!

To ring in the new year, AATC are glad to announce we now have course dates available for the:

– TMA – Operate a Truck or Trailer mounted Attenuator,

– VMS – Position, Set-Up and Operate a Variable Message Sign &

– PTSS – Position, Set-up and Operate Portable Traffic Signals courses!

Please see below our upcoming course dates for the TMA, VMS & PTSS courses.


  • 15 January 2020

VMS & PTSS Combo course:

  • 16 January 2020

PTSS only course:

  • 17 January 2020

If you have any queries, or would like to enrol into any of these courses, please contact us on either 07 3881 3008 or [email protected]

AATC returning in 2020

Our training centre staff will be back in the office on 6th January 2020 after a well earned break ready for a busy year.

We have recently added to our scope of courses. We now offer the national unit of competency training for TMA, VMS and PTSS in 2020.

AATC are pleased to announce that we have also increased our capacity with a second dedicated training vehicle available to facilitate our TMI practical set-up requirements.

So don’t forget to book into our 2020 courses which can be found here.

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Upcoming changes to the TMI course – prerequisites for renewals and full / new entrants

Please note that the Department of Transport & Main Roads have brought in some pre-requisite changes for the Full & Renewal Traffic Management Implementation courses. As of 1 October 2019, all learners completing the TMI course will need to provide the RTO with copies of the Working In Proximity to Traffic Part 1 & 2 certificates.

What are the Working in Proximity to Traffic courses?
These are online courses run through the TMR website, which have information relevant to anyone involved with works that is in close proximity to traffic.
As the courses are run through TMR, all fees are paid directly to TMR.
Information about the courses, and links to the courses, can be found on the TMR website here.

TMI Renewals will need to provide the WPT part 1 & 2 certificates prior to their course attendance, and TMI Full/New Entrants have 3 months from their course date to provide the RTO with those certificates.

*Please be advised that the RTO is unable to issue the Traffic Management Implementation card until we receive copies of those certificates.

If you have any questions regarding the above information, please contact us on [email protected] or by calling us on 3881 3008 (option 2)

Don’t forget to book in for your TMI renewal or full courses! They can be found here (renewal) and here (full / new entrant).

End of Financial Year

The End of Financial Year is fast approaching and places are booking up in our courses. If your company would like to book in a group of employees or some people here and there, make sure you get in quick by contacting us on 3881 3008 (option 2) or [email protected].

Remember we offer our traffic control, traffic management implementation and traffic management design courses in Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast & the Gold Coast. We can also do group bookings at your premises / in regional areas*.

Acquired also have extensive capability across South East Queensland in supplying traffic management to both new and current clients in this busy period. Contact our operations team today to organise your traffic control needs by calling 3881 3008 (option 1).

*Training in regional areas and at your companies premises involve some terms and conditions, contact AATC for further information

Traffic Control Enrolment Information – NCVER Requirements

Why do you need so many personal details from me?

In the VET (Vocational Education & Training) sector there are certain details which we are legally obligated to obtain for reporting purposes. The questions that we ask on your enrolment form are there so that we can meet those legal obligations; these details are known as AVETMISS data.

Once a year we are required to forward the information we capture from you to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER). This is a legal requirement placed on all RTO’s under the Data Provision Requirements 2012.

Please note the information below regarding the details that we capture on behalf of NCVER.

Privacy Notice

Under the Data Provision Requirements 2012, Acquired Awareness Training Centre is required to collect personal information about you and to disclose that personal information to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER).

Your personal information (including the personal information contained on your enrolment form), may be used or disclosed by Acquired Awareness Training Centre for statistical, administrative, regulatory and research purposes. Acquired Awareness Training Centre may disclose your personal information for these purposes to:

  • Commonwealth and State or Territory government departments and authorised agencies; and
  • NCVER.

Personal information that has been disclosed to NCVER may be used or disclosed by NCVER for the following purposes:

  • populating authenticated VET transcripts;
  • facilitating statistics and research relating to education, including surveys and data linkage;
  • pre-populating RTO student enrolment forms;
  • understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information; and
  • administering VET, including program administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation.

You may receive a student survey which may be administered by a government department or NCVER employee, agent or third party contractor or other authorised agencies. Please note you may opt out of the survey at the time of being contacted.

NCVER will collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the National VET Data Policy and all NCVER policies and protocols (including those published on NCVER’s website at

We are required to capture your details for courses which you complete with us, including our traffic control and traffic management courses.

For more information on the details we capture for NCVER visit their website here.

Traffic Controller Ready Reckoner

Are you unsure how far away you should be standing from your Traffic Controller Ahead / Prepare to Stop sign?

Are you wondering what radio channels you can use whilst onsite?

Have you forgotten what details are required in an incident report?

All trainees who attend the traffic control course with us are given a TMR Traffic Controller Ready Reckoner which answers all these questions, and more.

It’s a valuable source of information for traffic controllers who are new or those who have been in the traffic control industry for a while.

For information about our upcoming traffic control courses in Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast & the Gold Coast, or for regional group booking information, contact us on 3881 3008 (option 2) or [email protected].

Are you staying up to date with traffic management related technical documents?

Don’t forget that many of the documents that we use in the traffic management industry get updated throughout the year. It’s important to regularly check for any updates via the appropriate websites / government agencies who publish these documents.

  • The current QLD Guide to Temporary Traffic Management can be found via the TMR website here.
  • The current AustRoads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management can be found via the AustRoads website here.
  • The current QLD versions of the MUTCD can be found via the TMR website here.
  • The current Australian Standard 1742.3-2019 can be found via the Standards Australia website here.
  • The current QLD Guide to Traffic Management can be found here.
  • The current QLD Main Roads Technical Specifications can be found via the TMR website here.
  • The current QLD TCASAP can be found via the TMR website here.
  • The current QLD Traffic Management for Construction or Maintenance Work COP (2008) can be found via the Worksafe QLD website here.
  • The current QLD Traffic Controller Clothing Standard can be found via the TMR website here.
  • The current QLD version of the TORUM can be found via the QLD Legislation website here.
  • The Current TRUM can be found here.

If you have any questions about upcoming traffic control,  traffic management implementation or traffic management design courses in Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast or the Gold Coast, please peruse our website or contact us on 3881 3008 (option 3) or [email protected].

Additional TC & TMI courses offered in April & May

Due to popular demand, AATC is pleased to advise we have scheduled additional Traffic Control and Traffic Management Implement courses during April & May 2019.

For more information check out the course information and dates on the Acquired Awareness website or contact AATC via 07 3881 3008 or [email protected].

We look forward to hearing from you and exceeding your training expectations!

The AATC Team

Traffic Control & Traffic Management Refresher Courses – Caloundra

For a limited time, please note that AATC are currently offering Traffic Control and Traffic Management Implementation Refresher courses for $140!

Our upcoming courses at Caloundra are below:

Traffic Control (Stop/Slow)

  • 11th March

Traffic Management Implementation (Signage)

  • 15th March

If you would like to enrol into any of these courses, or would like to enquire, please click here or call AATC on 3881 3008 (option 2) or email [email protected].

AATC White Card courses 2019

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Acquired Awareness would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year 2019.

As of the 1st February 2019, WHSQ have mandated the ‘face to face’ delivery of the White Card course (CPCCWHS1001 – Prepare to Work Safely in the Construction Industry) for students located within 100km of the QLD based RTO delivering the service.

AATC currently delivers ‘face to face’ White Card courses at our training facilitates in Coomera (Gold Coast), Brendale (Brisbane) and Bells Creek (Sunshine Coast) and has capacity to provide this service state wide via group bookings (minimum numbers apply).

If you would like anymore information on this, please contact us on 3881 3008 (option 2) or via email [email protected].